
Table of Contents

This series of blogs is intended to be read like a book. Though you might stumble upon it by searching for a particular composer or topic, I suggest you start here and go in order. 

Click on the title of the chapter you want to go to.

 1. About this Blog

2. A Consensus List of the 100 Greatest Composers

3. Tchaikovsky vs Schoenberg

4. Hildegard von Bingen

5. The Second 100 Greatest Composers. Part 1. The pre-Bach Era

     5A. The Runners-up. More Notable Composers from the Pre-Bach Era

6. The Second 100 Greatest Composers. Part 2. Contemporaries of Bach 

     6A. The Runners-up. More Notable Composers from the Time of Bach

7. The Second 100 Greatest Composers. Part 3. The Classical Eras

     7A. The Runners-up. More Notable Composers from the Classical Era

8. The Second 100 Greatest Composers. Part 4. The Early Romantic Era

9. The Second 100 Greatest Composers. Part 5. The The Middle Romantic Era

10. The Second 100 Greatest Composers Part 6. The Late Romantic Era

     10A. The Runners-up. More Notable Composers from the Romantic Era

11. What you need to know about the 20th Century.

12. The Second 100 Greatest Composers. Part 7. The 20th Century - first half

      12A. The Runners-up. More Notable Composers from the 20th Century

13. The Problem with Opera

14. Composers of the Contemporary Era (1950-present) 

Table of Contents

This series of blogs is intended to be read like a book. Though you might stumble upon it by searching for a particular composer or topic, I...